Jag har ofta svårt för lyrik som är antingen för tydlig eller för otydlig. Det vill säga, jag gillar varken Viktor Rydbergs "Tomten" eller vad som helst av Katarina Frostensson.
Här kommer en dikt som ändå, trots sin uppenbara enkelhet, går rakt in i hjärtat på mig. Sådant lyckas annars bara Neil Young med och därför måste jag publicera den.
For Rita With Love
Pat Ingoldsby
You came home from school
on a special bus
full of people
who look like you
and love like you
and you met me
for the first time
and you loved me.
You love everybody
so much that it's not safe
to let you out alone.
Eleven years of love
and trust and time for you to learn
that you can't go on loving like this.
Unless you are stopped
you will embrace every person you see.
Normal people don't do that.
Some Normal people will hurt you
very badly because you do.
Cripples don't look nice
but you embrace them.
You kissed a wino on the bus
and he broke down and cried
and he said 'Nobody has kissed me
for the last 30 years.
But you did.
You touched my face
with your fingers and said
'I like you.'
The world will never
be ready for you.
Your way is right
and the world will never be ready.
We could learn everything
that we need to know
by watching you
going to your special school
in your special bus
full of people
who look like you
and love like you
and it's not safe
to let you out alone.
If you're not normal
there is very little hope
for the rest of us.
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