Right. I've been thinking a lot lately. About important stuff. Like Kiss. Like the fact that I was born the same year they released their first album, which really disqualified me from getting interested in their music until I was maybe nine years old. Which is embarassingly late, but up until then I was afraid of the cool guys in school who listened to tough music.
So. I was thinking. A lot. About important stuff. Like the fact that when I finally discovered Kiss, they weren't really cool anymore. Which absolutely passed me by, 'cause I was nine years old and Kiss was da bomb in my school. Until Mötley Crue, Twisted Sister, Skid Row and Bon Jovi came along. But that's another story. Though I was the first one in school to realise the absolute importance of John Bongiovi's and Richie Sambora's teamed-up songwriting.
Anyway. I was thinking. My point being. That the Kiss I grew up diggin, was the wrong Kiss. I discovered their earlier stuff later. When they wore make-up. And yeah yeah, I know Destroyer is their best studio album, and I can debate for hours about whether Alive I or Alive II is the true essence of the Kiss spirit.
But really. I was thinking. I should do a list of the best Kiss songs from the wrong albums. 'Cause I liked Kiss. Still do, in a sentimental way. And I like lists. So. That's what I was thinking.
Yeah. Here it is.
1. Tears are falling (from Asylum, Swedish catalogue number UNI 558860-2)
2. Who wants to be lonely (from Asylum)
3. Thrills in the night (from Animalize, UNI 558859-2)
4. I love it loud (from Creatures of the night, UNI 532391-2)
5. Heaven's on fire (from Animalize)
6. All hell's breakin' loose (from Lick it up, UNI 558858-2)
7. Million to one (from Lick it up)
8. War machine (from Creatures of the night)
9. I still love you (from Creatures of the night)
10. Lick it up (from Lick it up)
11. King of the mountain (from Asylum)
12. Crazy crazy nights (from CrazyNights, UNI 558861-2)
13. And on the 8th day (from Lick it up)
14. I'll fight hell to hold you (from Crazy nights)
15. Trial by fire (from Asylum)
10 kommentarer:
kiss are geeky, you know?
What happened to "Lonely is the Hunter" and "Uh all Night"?
UH! All night almost made it onto the list. almost. And Nat? You're SO out of it.
Nat, James are geeky too you know! :)
Nat? Check out Andreas's spelling and then draw your own conclusions on who's geeky in the band.
I too grew up liking Lick it up. I am embarrased, but in company.
I could never get into Asylum or Animalize or even Crazy nights though :) After Lick it up i went backwards and somewhat repaired the damage.
You also left out Not for the innocent and Exciter. Two of the best songs from Lick it up!
I am even going to Sweden Rock Festival this year! Mötley Crüe, Vixen and Helix, here I come!
I am getting so old...
i feel so yoko ono!
And I feel so Paul...
By the way James, when did complaining about other people's spelling become not geeky? :)
I'm a rock n'roll star - yes I are!
I remember when there was a KISS revival, but they really haven't done much. However, I hear there's a new KISS band ... KISS panda
Andreas, did I say YOU were the geeky one?
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